Friday, November 4, 2011

The Three Stages of Awakening and the Role of Judgment By Anyaa H'redulla

Expert Author Anyaa H'redulla
In his book "Zero Limits", Dr. Joe Vitale talks about the three stages of awakening. I don't recollect exactly what he called them or said about each one, but when I am tempted to judge someone (or myself), I find it useful to remember them.
Stage One - The Puppet
Except for some very advanced souls, everyone starts their life at Stage One. Many live their entire lives without ever moving beyond it. During this stage, we believe we are victims at the mercy of every one and every thing in our life. "They" are out to get us and no matter how hard we try, we feel we cannot get ahead. It's the government's fault; it's our boss's fault; it's the economy's fault; it's this or it's that. When we fail, we blame circumstances or the other guy. And, if we succeed at something, we do it against all odds. We are puppets in a world of bigger and more powerful puppeteers.
Stage Two - The Puppeteer
At some point in our life we may be fortunate to have an experience that moves us beyond Stage One and leave our victim-hood behind. Something happens to open our eyes to the possibility that maybe we have control over our life. Perhaps we watch a movie such as "What the Bleep" or "The Secret", or read a book, or go to a seminar.
Whatever the prompting, it dawns on us that we must take responsibility for our own reality and we venture into the world of creation - we become creators and begin visualizing, intending, and manifesting. We take control. We have become the puppeteers.
Stage Three - The Puppet and Puppeteer
Many people have moved into Stage Two in recent years. But more and more, however, are coming to the realization that this isn't the whole story and they move into Stage Three. At this point, we begin to recognize our own human limitations and acknowledge that there is a force outside and within us that's really in charge.
Each of us is a cog in the wheel of evolution. Each has his or her place in the world and, as such, has responsibilities. We learn that "Thy Will" is preferable to "my will" and we become true co-creators as we relinquish control and learn to go with the flow. Our prayer becomes "Dear God, please help me to receive whatever it is You are trying to give me" instead of our long list of desires.
Stages One and Two are totally controlled by ego, but in Stage Three we begin to let go of egoistic wants and allow inspiration to dictate what we do and how we do it. We become the puppet AND the puppeteer.
Of course, the transition from one stage to another does not happen overnight. It may take years to shift from one to another. For a while, we may have one foot in two stages at the same time as we fight to overcome unconscious fears and limiting beliefs before we can fully embrace our new values and way of living.
Once we leave Stage One, our greatest challenge becomes that of discernment. How do we recognize when we are reacting to a latent, unconscious fear, and when are we being truly guided? It can be very difficult to distinguish one from the other. But if we look closely, we will often see that any 'negative' reaction is based on judgment in some form or another. And judgment is always fear disguised as 'inspiration.'
When I am tempted to judge someone or something, I know it's a fear within me that creates that judgment. In my experience, that has always been the source and it then becomes my job to identify the fear and figure out where it comes from.
I also try to remember that we are not all at the same stage and that there may be extenuating circumstances to explain a particular experience. We are rarely privy to the whole picture and we all know what 'assume' stands for!
Perhaps we are operating from Stage Two, but the other person is still in Stage One. So how can we judge someone if they are doing the best they know how? When they know better, they will do better. At this precise moment, they are where they are and that makes it impossible for them to be anywhere else!
Anyaa H'redulla has been on a conscious spiritual path for more than twenty years and is the author of "Joy Makers: My Tools for Self-Empowerment" available at where she also shares Reflections on many of her personal challenges, and offers powerful, practical tools on Personal, Physical, Economic, and Spiritual Empowerment. Learn how you can take back your power in every area of your life to live in true freedom, and claim your FREE GIFTS by visiting Anyaa's website today.
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