Saturday, November 12, 2011

Ho Oponopono to Clear and Eradicate Limiting Beliefs by Jane Perry

So what are you thinking right now? what are you aware of right now? Just think for a moment! Ok so you might be consciously thinking what shall I have for lunch? I need to lose weight so I am going to eat healthily, great right!
Yes it sounds pretty logical to me, I guess it does to you too. Do you want to see the bigger picture? Great then lets go!
Do you know it is the perception of many that the conscious mind controls only approximately 10% of our thinking and behaviour. I presume that sounds odd, you could say we are thinking all the time consciously, so what controls the other 90% of our thinking and behaviour. The other 90% is presumably controlled by our subconscious mind, which is the part of our mind we are not generally very aware of. The subconscious mind controls our breathing and bodily processes automatically, it also stores our memories and beliefs
Our memories and beliefs are accumulated throughout our lives and are a direct result of our experiences. In a large majority of people most of these memories and beliefs are less than positive or negative. These negative memories and beliefs play silently in the background of our subconscious minds day and night like a replaying record, most of the time we are not even aware of them and they are commonly known as limiting beliefs.
Going back to our question of what shall I have for lunch? You think consciously I need to lose weight so I am going to eat healthy. At the same time a person who is overweight could have a subconscious mind that has memories playing silently saying 'yeah' right you will never lose weight, you like chocolate too much, you have been overweight all your life, your mother always said you would be an overweight adult and look you are! These negative memories and limiting beliefs are thought to be replaying 90% of the time and the good intention of eating healthily playing consciously only 10% of the time, so which belief system is most likely to win the game!
Yes - 90% has a massive advantage over 10% would you agree? This is a good example of how most of us are living our lives by default despite our best efforts to think positively. So how do we get rid of or reduce these limiting beliefs and replace them with more positive ones?
There are many ways to eradicate and clear limiting beliefs, some methods work better for some people than others. One method I am passionate about is an Hawaiian cleaning method known as ho oponopono. Morrnah Simenoa (now deceased) founded the technique, Dr Hew Len and Mabel Katz have carried her work forward and developed the technique. Ho oponopono is very simple to use, it comprises of repeating the following four phrases:
*I love you
*I'm sorry
*Please forgive me
*Thank you
These phrases are very high vibrational phrases that have the potential to gradually clear limiting beliefs because they are based on repentance, love, gratitude and transmutation. Dr Hew Len and Mabel Katz have done a lot of recent work on applying ho oponoponoto to achieve fantastic results. They say once we identify our limiting beliefs, if we can take responsibility for creating them and say the above phrases the theory is the subconscious mind will gradually clear the problematic memories and leave a void to be replaced by more empowering beliefs.
So how do we know we have a specific limiting belief? The trick is take notice of how you feel, take notice of what and who you have in life in comparison to what and who you want in your life.
For example:
Do you want a salary of £30,000 a year and only earn £10,000?
Do you weigh 72kg and want to weigh 60kg?
Do you want a relationship and find yourself constantly alone?
Do you want to own a house and find yourself renting one?
If these situations resonate with you in some way, you most probably have limiting beliefs in these areas.
So if we do the ho oponopono process as outlined above how do we know when it is working?
Look at the examples above again:
If we suddenly get the chance of a promotion, new job or higher salary and/or we suddenly start losing weight effortlessly and/or we find ourselves dating and enjoying forming new relationships and/or we start to find ourselves having more potential to afford to buy a house. We can say things are shifting and starting to work, some people might find a shift in one particular area and not much in another for a while, we are all different and take our own time to change.
Please take some time to think about the information in this article, say the four ho oponopono phrases, how does it feel? Some people find them difficult and experience negative feelings toward them. Keep persevering it will pass, these phrases really can have a massively positive impact on your life.
If you would like more information on ho oponopono and how to apply it, there is website link below which will enable you to access a very valuable resource to reformat your subconscious mind naturally and effortlessly to be more positive and experience more positive life changes.
Please do take a look
I do hope you have found this article useful, please take this opportunity to improve you life beyond belief
Best wishes
In summary
I do hope you enjoyed the article and feel excited about ho oponopono, I still get excited about using the technique.
I am trained teacher, I have done NLP practitioner training and feel passionate about self development techniques, ho oponopono in particular. My aim is to become a fabulous spiritual coach so wish me luck on that.. Thank you!
As promised the website link to access some great ho oponopono tools and resources:
Please copy and paste the link into your browser if you cannot click on it.
It is well worth a look
Here is to a better life for everyone
Best wishes

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