Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Blending Ho'oponopono With ZPoint By Laura Whitelaw

Expert Author Laura Whitelaw
Ho'oponopono is an ancient Hawaiian healing technique that involves repeating "I love you, Please forgive me, I'm sorry, Thank you" any time you notice any negative emotions arising within yourself throughout your day. I first learned about Ho'oponopono from Joe Vitale's book, "Zero Limits". In his book, Joe Vitale recommends repeating these 4 phrases constantly throughout your day. I didn't quite follow this advise but I did use Ho'oponopono regularly when I noticed that I felt less than joyful or peaceful right up until I learned ZPoint.
Zpoint is an intentional therapy that involves assigning a "cue" word to your subconscious mind and asking your subconscious to clear any limiting beliefs or negative emotions whenever your cue word is repeated. It is a very relaxing process and can quickly bring you into the "now" where no "perceived" problems exist.
ZPoint works at clearing away your negative emotions in much the same way that Ho'oponopono does although in my personal experience, ZPoint is much more effective. I believe that the statement process in ZPoint is what makes the difference. For example, when beginning a ZPoint clearing, we often begin accessing our emotions by stating, "Whenever I think about X, I feel....", then repeat our cue word.
So, if you are a fan of Ho'oponopono, why not give ZPoint a try. And, you can blend the two methods together. Try using "Love", "Forgive", "Sorry" or "Thank You" as your cue word. Or, you can even use all four Ho'oponopono phrases as your "cue phrase".
I've also found that there is a lot of flexibility with ZPoint. It often works better when you are not specific (unlike with other modalities such as EFT) but I like to play around with it and sometimes get specific in the phrasing process. In either case, it never fails to disappoint me in how well it works. I love that I can use ZPoint any time and anywhere and without anyone ever knowing.
Written by Laura Whitelaw, Certified Zpoint and EFT-CC Practitioner. Visit and find out how you can download a free audio to clear your blocks to prosperity.
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