Monday, November 21, 2011

The Power of Using Ho'oponopono Out Loud by Cyndi Krupp

Expert Author Cyndi Krupp
Thank You
I Love You
I Am Sorry
Please Forgive Me
These four lines make up the basis, as I understand it, of the powerful Ho'oponopono prayer that is transforming 1000s of lives.
The key to this work lies in the understanding that "I Am" responsible for 100 percent of everything that touches my life, whether it be the argument I had with my husband this morning, or the bombs dropping in the Middle East. Once I take responsibility I am in a position to release whatever it is that holds it in place and transformation, often miraculous transformation, can take place.
What I love about this work is that those I teach do not have to believe in it to make it effective. They just have to do the work, consistently, and watch the results. As their lives change the belief grows, which in turn makes the work even more powerful. Soon the meaning behind the four simple lines infuse everything they touch and the miracles begin to snowball.
Normally the lines of the prayer are said quietly, to oneself, either in contemplation or in response to whatever occurs during the course of one's day that triggers any kind of emotional switch. But I recently discovered that this process can also be highly effective when spoken out loud.
My daughter had got highly upset by something I said, and stormed, somewhat hysterical, out of the room. I knew that she was over reacting and that I was "right" and she was "wrong". I almost stood my ground with this immediate reaction to the event, but then my work with Ho'oponopono kicked in and I realized if what I taught others was correct than there were no exceptions. I must be responsible for what was happening - and if I took that responsibility totally it would be transformed. I began to speak...
"Honey, Thank You for this opportunity to see how I Am affecting You
I Love You very much
I Am Sorry for whatever I did that caused this Reaction in You
Please Forgive Me"
I repeated some version of these four lines several times. As I did I began to realize that I meant it. I could have communicated my thoughts to her in a different way that would have been better received.
As I repeated these lines to my daughter she at first began to protest, but then quickly realized that their was nothing there to resist. She quickly calmed down, hugged me, and we began to talk it out again. This time in a loving, open manner where everyone was heard, and everyone understood.
The beauty of Ho'oponopono lies in its simplicity and ease of use. So, I have to ask you, why not begin today?
A note from the author, Cyndi Krupp...
Thank you for taking the time to read my article and please share it if you think it worthwhile. I am passionate about finding ways to inspire, uplift and educate and have just released an ebook, 22 Powerful Tools to Transform Your Fear into Happiness, Peace and Inspiration - which anyone can download for free at
I also invite you to visit me at my website, It is here, each week, that we provide articles, free trainings, free gifts, and videos designed to inspire and educate - body, mind and spirit.
May you live each moment in Joy and Celebration of this Most Magnificent Journey
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