Monday, November 21, 2011

Ho'oponopono - Healing With Breath and Mantra by Cathy Chapman, Ph.D.

Expert Author Cathy Chapman, Ph.D.
Various religious and spiritual traditions from the East have advocated combining breath and a mantra to induce a deep meditative state leading to spiritual and emotional healing. Dr. Herbert Benson, founder of the Harvard Mind-Body Medical Institute has studied these claims using Western scientific methods. Dr. Benson's research has demonstrated the body moves into what he calls the "relaxation response" when such methods are used.
The Relaxation Response
To quote Dr. Benson, "The relaxation response is a physical state of deep rest that changes the physical and emotional response to stress... and the opposite of the fight or flight response."
The fight or flight response is a reaction to stress which elevates blood pressure, disrupts digestion, and releases hormones which can be destructive for the body on a long-term basis. Fight or flight was never intended by nature to be a long-term state of being. It was meant to marshal all your physical forces to run or fight with all your might to preserve your life.

Trusting Through Ho'oponopono by Mabel Katz

Expert Author Mabel Katz
I will never forget Sarita. I met her when she was more than 100 years old, and she was completely lucid. She is what is commonly known as a healer. Sarita told me that many years ago she worked for the Federal government in the U.S. when she didn't yet have immigration papers.
One day she arrived at work and found a piece of paper saying, "There are undocumented people working in this office." She immediately felt identified and thought, "They're talking about me," so she spoke to her boss and confessed her situation. The boss was shocked. In disbelief, he said, "You don't have papers?!" At that time, employers weren't required by law to ask for immigration documents.
Sarita told me she used to have conversations with God, and God would ask her, "Do you trust me?" And she would respond, "Yes, but I don't have my papers." And God would again inquire, "Do you trust me?" And she would respond, "Yes, but I don't have papers." Then she told me, "Now I have my papers, and God got them for me."

The Power of Using Ho'oponopono Out Loud by Cyndi Krupp

Expert Author Cyndi Krupp
Thank You
I Love You
I Am Sorry
Please Forgive Me
These four lines make up the basis, as I understand it, of the powerful Ho'oponopono prayer that is transforming 1000s of lives.
The key to this work lies in the understanding that "I Am" responsible for 100 percent of everything that touches my life, whether it be the argument I had with my husband this morning, or the bombs dropping in the Middle East. Once I take responsibility I am in a position to release whatever it is that holds it in place and transformation, often miraculous transformation, can take place.
What I love about this work is that those I teach do not have to believe in it to make it effective. They just have to do the work, consistently, and watch the results. As their lives change the belief grows, which in turn makes the work even more powerful. Soon the meaning behind the four simple lines infuse everything they touch and the miracles begin to snowball.
Normally the lines of the prayer are said quietly, to oneself, either in contemplation or in response to whatever occurs during the course of one's day that triggers any kind of emotional switch. But I recently discovered that this process can also be highly effective when spoken out loud.

Ho'oponopono - The Ultimate Self Help Method by Nico Waiboer

Ho'oponopono is a Hawaiian shamanistic method which ensures that our ego came into line with our True Self.
Many of us are prisoners of our subconscious. These are the programs of the subconscious that the majority of our actions and our thoughts influence.
The solution? Released from the shackles of the unconscious. With a few simple phrases to say you make contact with the supernatural conscious and the programs that dominate the subconscious definitely eliminated.
These phrases are:
I am sorry
Please, forgive me
Thank You
I Love You

Bowing in Japan - Is This Ho'oponopono? By Mabel Katz

Expert Author Mabel Katz
During a trip to Japan with Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len, I was impressed with the openness of the Japanese people toward Ho'oponopono. In Okinawa and Okayama. More than 1,000 people attended lectures in each place, despite swine flu warnings.
And we had the opportunity to share even more about Ho'oponopono during the many interviews. In addition, we had a small lecture and a special meal with such interesting people.
We stayed overnight at an Inn in Wara. What an incredible experience. First time for me to sleep on the floor--or almost on the floor. We ate delicious natural food, prepared by the Funakoshi family. The Inn, owned by the couple and their three children, all cook with a lot of LOVE and blue solar water. And they take very good care of the Inn. I am so grateful for this experience.
On the bullet train from Okayama to Tokyo with Ihaleakala, I was impressed by the respect that the Japanese have for everybody which they show by the way they bow to each other. Even the guards on the train and the waiters in the restaurant don't discriminate. They bow to everyone over and over, not just one time. They keep bowing until they leave, never showing you their backs.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Conflict Resolution With Ho'Oponopono and EFT by Janet Jacobsen

Expert Author Janet Jacobsen
Rumi said, "Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it." Our natural state is love, harmony and wholeness. I want to share with you three powerful tools that can help resolve conflict and remove barriers to optimum harmony and well-being.
One is called Ho'oponopono, an ancient Hawaiian healing tradition (ho'o means cause and ponopono means perfection). It's modern form is taught by Dr. Hew Len, who is famous for having healed an entire ward of criminally insane people at Hawaii State Hospital in the 1980's, without therapy, by simply doing Ho'oponopono on himself.
Its basic premise is that everything in our life is a projection - just like in a dream, it is all an aspect of ourselves. Whatever shows up in our life is our memories and old programming replaying 'out there', showing us where we are blocked from our true divine self. The way to clear these programs and return to our pure essence state is to say these words over and over until we are clear, "I love you. I'm sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you."

Ho'Oponopono and Forgiveness by Mabel Katz

Expert Author Mabel Katz
The only way of setting ourselves free is through forgiveness. Forgiveness, besides many other things, opens the doors to prosperity.
Forgiving lets us close a door so that a better and bigger one can open. It's the possibility of a new start. It's like going back to zero and when we are at zero, everything is possible. At zero, we are children again, open, flexible and curious. Without resentment, worries or expectations.
In her song Waka Waka, Shakira says: "We need to start from zero to touch the sky."
If you are awake, if you know who you really are, you will have no problem in forgiving yourself and others. It's easier than you think. You do not need to learn it because we were born knowing how to do it, it's something natural within us.
Something that has helped me a lot personally, was realizing that, when I don't forgive the person I think doesn't deserve it, in fact, I'm hurting myself and not the other person. Then a moment comes when we must love ourselves enough to not hurt us anymore.
You will notice that in almost all ancient philosophies, forgiveness is always present as one of the keys to reach that peace and happiness we long for.

Celebrate Today - It's the Ho'oponopono Way by Mabel Katz

Expert Author Mabel Katz
Why is it easier to celebrate other people's achievements than our own? We don't know how to acknowledge or be thankful for our own accomplishments. Notice the energy and enthusiasm we put into spectator sports. In these instances, we forget all about our problems and concerns and celebrate with a passion.
According to the ancient Hawaiian problem solving art of Ho'oponopono, everything in our life is a blessing, a gift, another chance to make things right, to make amends. We should celebrate each daily accomplishment, no matter how insignificant it may seem, the same way we celebrate each point scored by our favorite team.
It's important to realize that each moment is precious. Even when things don't go the way we want, each moment is an opportunity overflowing with infinite possibilities. In order to receive these, all we need to do is open our hearts.

The Law of Attraction and Ho'oponopono by Megan Jenifer

Expert Author Megan Jenifer
The interesting thing about the Universal Law of Attraction is that many people think it goes against their very beliefs. In my opinion, that's just like saying the Universal Law of Gravity goes against my beliefs. I'll definitely get more into this in another article, but for now, let's focus on the title above: The Law of Attraction and Ho'oponopono.
Ho'oponopono is an updated Hawaiian practice that focuses on turning inward to Divinity and expressing gratitude, love, forgiveness and remorse. I know this may sound weird to some, but I have to truly say that this process of clearing really works.
The process is one that has been updated by Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len, a psychologist who, through ho'oponopono, was able to heal an entire psyche ward in a hospital for the criminally insane. He did this without ever coming in contact with a single patient. Dr. Joe Vitale wrote an article on his blog that swept the internet marketing community and sparked a huge interest in ho'oponopono.

Using Ho'oponopono to Transform Your Life Now by Cyndi Krupp

Expert Author Cyndi Krupp
Ho'oponopono, as I understand it, is a Hawaiian based healing process that can be used to let go of all that shows up in your life as some type of suffering. Used consistently and with intent it has been known to transform your life.
I will not claim to be an expert, I have never taken a class, and I have been working with it for only a few months. But it is something, that once I spent just a little time with, has become as familiar to me as the back of my hand, and as useful as my right thumb. As such, I want to share it with all of you. You don't have to trust me, and you don't have to invest a dime. Just give it a try, and then use the comment section below to let us all know how it has affected your own life.
I will not take time here to go into the background of Ho'oponopono. That is easily found by searching the internet. What I will do is give you the practical steps on how you can begin to use the power of this technique to transform your life now.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Using Ho'Oponopono To Super Charge Law of Attraction by Wayne Hagerty

Many of us have heard of Law of Attraction and I can bet that most if not all of the people who have heard of are using it in one way or another.
As powerful of a concept that LOA is and what this law is able to do for each of us is amazing by itself, but what if I told you that there is a way to Super Charge it using Ho'oponopono so that you can receive results faster and with better ease.
Did the last sentence get you to stand up straight and your attention suddenly rise up to the ceiling?
Good, because there is some things that are running inside of us that may actually fight against what we want causing us to feel like we are swimming against the current of a fast moving river instead of with the current.
These things are memories and data that we have collected over our lives and some believe that we have been collecting this data way before our lives began.
In order for Law of Attraction to work perfectly there should be no resistance in what we are trying to manifest into reality.
Think about this for a second...
Could you truly attract million dollars into your life if the memories you are holding onto say that you are not worthy of a millions dollars or that in order for you to attract a million dollars would be impossible or could never happen to you?
The fact is that we have tons of negative memories and data this is running all day every day and it never takes a vacation.

Ho'oponopono to Live Free From Fear by Patrick Mannson

Expert Author Patrick Mannson
Do irrational fears and phobias interfere with your achieving what you want in your life? Did you know that with the right tools you can overcome fear and phobias to live the life you want and deserve? One approach many are finding to be successful is Ho'oponopono. The rest of this article will introduce you to Ho'oponopono and how it can help you to live free from fear.
An ancient Hawaiian philosophy has recently become a popular way to deal with fear. It is called Ho'oponopono, which means, "to make right or cleanse." It is a philosophy many people have trouble accepting, but which can be quite effective if you do embrace it.
The core of this practice is the idea that we are responsible for everything that happens in our lives. No matter what occurs, Ho'oponopono would have us believe that we somehow caused it. This belief is why Ho'oponopono is so effective, but also the reason why many people cannot embrace it.
When you are responsible for everything that happens in your life, you are responsible for eliminating it as well. But Ho'oponopono doesn't ask you to eliminate the problem yourself. Instead, you accept responsibility for whatever has happened, then ask for Divine forgiveness and intervention to resolve the problem.
I can't really do justice to this ancient and profound philosophy in a single article, merely give you this small taste of the core elements. If this sounds like a philosophy for you, the guide discussed at the bottom of this article can provide more information.
And don't forget that this is only one of the techniques you can use to cure fear and end phobias. There are 21 more (22 in all) you can try. To learn more about a great FREE guide that tells you exactly how to use this and 21 more tools and techniques to end fear, go to
Article Source:

Could Ho'oponopono Make Diets and Dieting Easier? by Mabel Katz

Expert Author Mabel Katz
Do you have bad feelings and worries when you hear the word "diet"? Do you focus on the pain of not eating everything you would like? But what could be more painful than feeling overweight, helpless, and uncomfortable?
What stories do we tell ourselves to keep happiness and well-being away? Talk about being our own worst enemy! Our bad feelings about ourselves affect our reality. You see, the subconscious mind does whatever it takes to be right, so it keeps attracting situations to show us we are not good enough or don't deserve things. So, can you imagine what we attract and manifest in these conditions!
In Ho'oponopono, we call these replays memories, and they are immensely powerful. We think we are free, but these thoughts and programs constantly control us. They are always playing in the background. We need to WAKE UP and make better choices. Awareness is curative and it is the first and most important step towards our goals. We have a choice!
Yes, it takes effort to stay on a diet. You see the people around you thinking about food all the time. We get together to eat. What are we going to eat, and where? All the food around you, every place you go. Well, people in your life actually are a gift, they are giving you the opportunity to see what you need to change to grow up and take charge.

The Gift of Ho'oponopono by Jess Freer

I learned a practice from a tradition called Ho 'oponopono that you might be interested in. It's very simple, very powerful, and easy to remember. You can go deep with it rather quickly, bringing lightness and healing quite soon to your heart and mind. One of the central exercises - you could call it a personal discipline - one of the primary gifts of Ho'oponopono, is a very effective forgiveness exercise.
This simple exercise from Ho'oponopono (or "making right") has five basic parts. First, bring to mind something that's bothering you. It can be anything at all, a worry, a physical pain, a sad memory, a friend, someone you're not at peace with, anyone, anything at all.
Begin by saying to this worry, or to this person, "I love you." You can say this out loud at first, but you can also do the entire exercise silently, whispering inwardly, as if the person is present to your inner voice, or even visually present to the imagination if you like. Stay with this until you feel the phrase settle in a bit, "I love you."
Then, to whatever comes up next, say, "I'm sorry." It doesn't have to be specific, just say, "I'm sorry."
Then ask with an honest heart, "please forgive me." These are very powerful words, "please forgive me..."
To complete the prayerful exercise, simply say, "thank you."

Ways to Use Ho'oponopono by Yvonne Green

Expert Author Yvonne Green
There are many different ways to use Ho'oponopono. You can use it when you're at the gym, saying the words to your body as you go round the circuit. Set the intention that these words are for your body and health in general. Then mentally use the phrases as you go round. Time the words to the music and after a few times you won't even have to remember them. They just embed themselves into your subconscious. So now whenever you begin your circuit they're there automatically without you even having to think about it. This makes you feel that you are doubly benefiting from the exercise you're getting and that your body is finally getting the attention it deserves.
Use it at night, before you go to sleep to tell yourself "I love you." "I'm sorry for all the bad things that I've attracted and allowed into our life." "Please forgive me and let's make things right." "Thank you." You can do this as if you are talking to your inner child. It seems to make more sense that way. We hear a lot from Louise Hay and others about how important it is to love yourself so that you can allow more of the good things into your life. Doing Ho'oponopono makes this so much easier. And remember, loving yourself isn't about conceit, or about being perfect, or better than anyone else. It's simply about respecting and acknowledging yourself for being you.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Ho Oponopono, Gratitude, Love and the Law of Attraction By Jane Perry

The law of attraction is believed to be working in our lives every minute of everyday. We are literally attracting and repelling people, places and circumstances constantly. Every person emits a constant vibration of energy which can fluctuate a little here and there, whatever we vibrate out we attract back in
Our thoughts are where our vibrations are born, whatever we think about most on a regular basis is what we attract back to us
Unfortunately 90% of our thoughts are said to occur unconsciously in our subconscious minds and we are not aware a lot of them exist, these unconscious thoughts are said to create most of what we experience.
When we think positively and we know we are thinking positively these thoughts are said to dictate around 10% of our total thinking. This theory is thought to be the main reason why the law of attraction does not work very well for most people because most of the 90% of thoughts playing in the subconscious mind are usually less than positive or very negative for the majority of people

Ho Oponopono to Clear and Eradicate Limiting Beliefs by Jane Perry

So what are you thinking right now? what are you aware of right now? Just think for a moment! Ok so you might be consciously thinking what shall I have for lunch? I need to lose weight so I am going to eat healthily, great right!
Yes it sounds pretty logical to me, I guess it does to you too. Do you want to see the bigger picture? Great then lets go!
Do you know it is the perception of many that the conscious mind controls only approximately 10% of our thinking and behaviour. I presume that sounds odd, you could say we are thinking all the time consciously, so what controls the other 90% of our thinking and behaviour. The other 90% is presumably controlled by our subconscious mind, which is the part of our mind we are not generally very aware of. The subconscious mind controls our breathing and bodily processes automatically, it also stores our memories and beliefs
Our memories and beliefs are accumulated throughout our lives and are a direct result of our experiences. In a large majority of people most of these memories and beliefs are less than positive or negative. These negative memories and beliefs play silently in the background of our subconscious minds day and night like a replaying record, most of the time we are not even aware of them and they are commonly known as limiting beliefs.

Dr Hew Len Ho Oponopono - MP3 Podcast - Is it Any Good? by Sunil S Chopra

I tried many methods to clear myself of limiting beliefs and problem thoughts and feelings. Nothing seemed to work because I wasn't connecting with the Divinity within. So I was very intrigued when I heard about Dr. Hew Len Ho Oponopono and how he healed an entire ward of mentally ill criminals. So is this Podcast any good and can it help you to free yourself?
First let's establish, what is Ho Oponopono? It is an ancient Hawaiian spiritual tradition of problem solving. It's basic premise is that all problems are just subconscious memories replaying in the mind. They are like "old tapes" repeating over and over. Dr. Hew Len Ho Oponopono uses 4 simple but very powerful statements to appeal to the divinity within to clean these problems.
Are you unsure about how to the cleaning or how to apply Ho Oponopono to your life? I found that this podcast is perfect for answering the following questions..