Saturday, November 12, 2011

Ho Oponopono, Gratitude, Love and the Law of Attraction By Jane Perry

The law of attraction is believed to be working in our lives every minute of everyday. We are literally attracting and repelling people, places and circumstances constantly. Every person emits a constant vibration of energy which can fluctuate a little here and there, whatever we vibrate out we attract back in
Our thoughts are where our vibrations are born, whatever we think about most on a regular basis is what we attract back to us
Unfortunately 90% of our thoughts are said to occur unconsciously in our subconscious minds and we are not aware a lot of them exist, these unconscious thoughts are said to create most of what we experience.
When we think positively and we know we are thinking positively these thoughts are said to dictate around 10% of our total thinking. This theory is thought to be the main reason why the law of attraction does not work very well for most people because most of the 90% of thoughts playing in the subconscious mind are usually less than positive or very negative for the majority of people
So you might be thinking we do not stand much chance if 90% of our thoughts are creating our reality and not serving us well, so what do we do to change things to tip the scales more in our favour?
This is where ho oponopono can make a big difference if it is practised regularly
Dr Hew Len and Mabel Katz have been doing a lot of promotional work recently to spread the word about ho oponpono, the following information is based in their work and theory related to the process of ho oponopono. They say our feelings are an indication of what we are thinking unconsciously most of the time so if we can calm our minds many negative memories can come to the surface of the conscious mind and we can isolate them. Once we isolate a problem we do not have to know what is causing it, we just have to know it is there, then the first step of ho oponpono is to take responsibility for anything we see as a problem
I will choose a problem a lot of people knowingly have and do not understand why... the problem is debt. The first thing a person has to do is take responsibility for having debt, whether they think it is their fault or not is not the issue, they just have to take responsibility for the debt being in their life
The second step is to repent and say 'I'm sorry' for creating this debt and not knowing why
The third step is to ask for forgiveness and say 'Please forgive me for creating this debt in my life somehow
The fourth step is transmutation say 'I love you' love starts to shift the negative energy around the problem memory which is causing the debt to occur
The fifth step is gratitude, say 'Thank you' to your higher self for transmuting and erasing this negative energy/memory which is creating the debt. This method is said to eventually erase negative energy/memories if it is practised enough and people know it is working when they see positive changes in their lives
If a specific problem cannot be isolated and you still feel something is bothering you, just saying
I love you
I'm sorry
Please forgive me
Can have a very beneficial effect because you are still erasing negative memories just by saying these high vibrational phrases, give it a go what have you go to lose? The law of attraction is thought to work more effectively and more positively as more and more negative memories and problems are erased from the subconscious mind, this is how ho oponopono and the law of attraction are thought to be positively linked
This is a very basic overview there is so much more to ho oponopono and the law of attraction. I do hope you found this information useful. if you would like to know more and develop more knowledge and skill around these topics please check out the website links below
Best Wishes
In summary
I do hope you enjoyed the article and feel excited about ho oponopono and the law of attraction, I still get excited about using the techniques together, my life improving day by day as a result of this practice! I am trained teacher, I have done NLP practitioner training and feel passionate about self development techniques, ho oponopono in particular. My aim is to become a fabulous spiritual coach so wish me luck
Thank you!
For more information and access to some great ho oponopono resources please go to
Please copy and paste the link into your browser if you cannot click on it
It is well worth a look
Here is to a better life for everyone
Best wishes

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