Thursday, November 3, 2011

The Most Important Religious Principle Revealed In The Ho'oponopono Book By Al Case

Expert Author Al Case
Ho'oponopono, a word that is often spelled Hoopononon, is the ancient Hawaiian religion that works, and works miracles. Popularized by the best selling ho'oponopono book written by Joe Vitale, 'Zero Limits,' this Hawaiian Religious practice is taking the world by storm. Individual after individual, making up a mighty and loud crowd, is crowing praises loudly.
When people first hear of this Oceanic religion, they are sometimes bemused, sometimes arch their eyes, but are ultimately frustrated. Frustration, however, quickly brightens into enlightenment. The First Rule of this discipline, once understood, opens the mind in a way that is nothing short of miraculous.
The first principle, to say it loosely, is that 'the universe exists inside your mind.' Huh? "What the heck is that supposed to mean?" is the common reaction.
On the surface this is not really too hard a concept to understand. One is reminded of more common concepts and sayings, What goes around comes around, cause and effect, karma, do unto others as you would have them do unto you, all those sorts of canards. But it goes much deeper; and it is much more simple.
Consider that if you come up on a sleeping leopard, and kick it, he is going to bite you. As simple and silly as this sounds, this is the way the universe works. Quite simply, if you do something, there is going to be an effect, and this effect is going to turn around and bite you on the, uh...pants pocket.
Go a little zen on this concept, and you may come across the idea that the universe is a mirror for the individual. This is a more substantive way of thinking that posits that your very thoughts effect the universe. If you are happy or sad, the universe is going to reflect that.
But, what if it goes even deeper than that, and holds that your very thoughts construct the universe? Then there will be a causative effect of monstrous import. And this is where you will find the Hawaiian practice of Ho'oponopono rearing its head.
Do you cause your own wealth, happiness, misery, quality of life, accidents, cheerfullness, situation in life? You can wager your not so massive behind, lock, stock and barrel. The Ho'oponopono Book merely holds this up to your face in the most friendly manner possible, and insists that you grab a hold of the reins and give life a kick.
There is another very important book on this ancient Hawaiian practice, it is called Neutronics and Ho'oponopono. Head over to Ho'oponopono Book to view it.
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