Monday, November 14, 2011

Conflict Resolution With Ho'Oponopono and EFT by Janet Jacobsen

Expert Author Janet Jacobsen
Rumi said, "Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it." Our natural state is love, harmony and wholeness. I want to share with you three powerful tools that can help resolve conflict and remove barriers to optimum harmony and well-being.
One is called Ho'oponopono, an ancient Hawaiian healing tradition (ho'o means cause and ponopono means perfection). It's modern form is taught by Dr. Hew Len, who is famous for having healed an entire ward of criminally insane people at Hawaii State Hospital in the 1980's, without therapy, by simply doing Ho'oponopono on himself.
Its basic premise is that everything in our life is a projection - just like in a dream, it is all an aspect of ourselves. Whatever shows up in our life is our memories and old programming replaying 'out there', showing us where we are blocked from our true divine self. The way to clear these programs and return to our pure essence state is to say these words over and over until we are clear, "I love you. I'm sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you."
Conflict "out there" is cleared "in here", and once clear we are one with the Divine. The beauty part is that in that clear, higher vibrational state we attract miracles. That state can be maintained by repeatedly saying to ourselves throughout the day, "I love you" and "Thank you". Doing this on a daily basis aligns us with a state of grace place where life unfolds easefully and magically. That's where I want to live!
I have found that doing EFT while doing Ho'oponopono makes it even more powerful. EFT stands for Emotional Freedom Technique, an extremely effective healing method that involves tapping on specific meridian points to clear negative beliefs, feelings and programs from our body and bring in new desired beliefs. When you add to that some deep, slow breaths with long out-breaths, it further clears away the charge, since our reactive programming is locked in by shallow breaths and is set free by deep, full breaths.
I recently had an opportunity to put these three clearing superpowers to the test. I was having a conflict with someone in my life that set my two inner chickens to fighting. One chicken, Chicken Little, felt victimized, with feathers ruffled, lots of plaintive squawking, and she wanted to fly the coop. The other chicken, my glorious Warrioress Chicken Supreme, wanted to fly with the eagles and thus kept bringing me back to the awareness, "If it's in your life, it's in you. Now is an opportunity to clear, clean, and heal this inside yourself."
While one part of me was having a furious uprising, the other was having a spiritual "upwising" (as Swamibeyondanonda would say). As I witnessed myself preparing for a defensive battle, I thought, "Since it's my creation, why not prepare for peace?" My habituated program expected and required opposition, yet I realized that now instead of imagining a battle ahead, I could choose to imagine peace.
Realizing the other person was mirroring a wounded part of myself, I loved that wounded part in me. Whenever I felt the furious wet-hen uprising within, I'd repeat the words, "I love you. I'm sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you." I added the meridian tapping and deep, slow breaths and the result was a peaceful resolution of the conflict. It proves the saying, "My how you've changed since I've changed." When I shift inside, my world shifts outside. I can choose love and peace, and I can clear whatever gets in the way of that with Ho'oponopono, meridian tapping, and deep slow breaths.
There's a wonderful story about Nelson Mandela (as told in the book Buddha's Brain) who was imprisoned for 27 years. His greatest despair was that he would lose contact with loved ones, as he was only allowed to receive letters from them about every 6 months. He didn't want to live without love so he decided he was going to bring love to the guards. By loving them it was hard for them to treat him harshly, therefore guards were frequently replaced; but he would simply love the new ones too. Despite the harsh barriers of prison and hard labor, he chose to focus on love and that is what he experienced. Though he was in prison he was FREE of hatred and anger.
These three tools, Ho'oponopono, tapping, and deep slow breaths can free us by releasing old programming and clearing away the barriers to optimal well-being. This results in miracles and major life shifts.
How about you? Do you have barriers within that are keeping you from love, harmony and wholeness? It's all an inside job - LOVE, TAP and BREATHE your way through those barriers and celebrate becoming free and clear and open to miracles!
Copyright 2011 Janet Jacobsen
You can read more of Janet Jacobsen's inspirational essays at
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